The Promised land

Closing his eyes after the sip of wine, he reflects on what his life had been. Tumultous and torturous. His life, flashes in scenes. The emotional blackmail tobecome a doctor, the drunken rants of his father cursing his pudgy demeanour, secretly crying while his parents fought and he could never forget how his father went on and on about not doing anything in life. He held out for so long but when would it all stop. Dangerous thoughts of ways to finish of his father or perhaps escaping the madness by leaving his earthly abode to seek heavenly peace. 'Just block out whatever your father says', he was reminded often by his mother. The same woman, who in her sixty years shared the endless nagging and thrifty conduct of her husband. 'Concentrate on your studies and they shall lead you out of here', she said. So what could he do except continue to study and cram vast details of the human body or contraindications of medications. Stuff which he didnt care for. Even the suffering patient, would look earnestly into his eyes and find no solace, like a defeated gladiator waiting to meet his match. His eyes open to the blating of the television. He walks towards he window, looking out towards the horizon. Someday I shall be free of all this. If only they didnt happen in the first place. 'Daddy, daddy', his little girl runs to hug him. He smiles. It doesnt seem that bad after all.

4 comebacks:

findingmywingsinlife said...

hmm. interesting short piece. you do come up with varying different themes for your written works. It would seem to me that you like to explore on paper the differing emotive scenarios that lead to certain choices or life decisions. Keep at the writings, you're really good at it :)

Carl said...

Yeah.. kinda like cause and effect : )

findingmywingsinlife said...

been awhile since you've posted something on here..hope all is well for you over there.

Carl said...

Yes, Im doing very well. Thanks for asking. Just joined a new hospital so just busy adapting and learning tons of new stuff.

About not posting anything new, I guess Im waiting to be inspired. Inspiration, I feel makes the post more real and enjoyable to read : )


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